CDPP Counsel List – Expression of Interest

Please note that expressions of interest are considered on a quarterly basis. If you would like to express your interest in being on the CDPP Counsel List as part of the upcoming January 2025 List review, please complete the below form by Tuesday 31 December 2024. 

Expressions of interest received between January and March 2025 will be considered in April 2025.

Please note this form is unable to be saved part-way through completion. Please do not navigate away from this page while inputting information into the form as previously entered data will be unable to be recovered. 

You may wish to consider drafting any free text responses prior to completing this form (saving them in draft form on your own device) to avoid technical issues.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please email

Counsel Information

Counsel information
Current chambers
Postal address (if different from street address)
How do you describe your gender?
Junior Counsel or Senior Counsel?
Primary Jurisdiction (Select the jurisdiction in which you primarily practice)
Secondary Jurisdiction (Please nominate any other secondary jurisdiction(s) in which you are prepared to appear)
Have you been briefed by the CDPP in the last 12 months?
Have you previously been on the CDPP Panel (active between February 2017 – June 2024) or CDPP Counsel List (active since July 2024)?
Level of Current Security Clearance (Some of the offences that the CDPP prosecutes relate to national security and may require you to hold an Australian Government security clearance)
Would you be willing to undergo security clearance or upgrade your current security clearance, if required?

Criminal convictions, disciplinary proceedings etc

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in Australia or overseas or have charges pending against you in Australia or overseas?
Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary proceedings or enquiry by your employer or other professional body which has resulted in you being cautioned/reprimanded/having conditions imposed on your practicing certificate/having proceedings commenced against you for unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct?
Have you ever been the subject of civil proceedings for negligence or breach of trust?
Have you ever been declared bankrupt?
Do you have any conflict of interest, real or apparent, if engaged by the CDPP?
Has the CDPP or a state/territory DPP ever withdrawn instructions from you?

Professional Qualifications and Admissions

Full details to be included in CV - to be attached below
Are you still a reader?
Include http:// in the URL
Include http:// in the URL

Relevant Experience 

Please succinctly outline your suitability for accepting briefs from the CDPP. 

Professional referees

Please list two professional referees. You may not include a CDPP employee as a referee in this section. However, please note that we may contact other people, including CDPP employees to discuss your suitability to undertake Commonwealth prosecution work. 

Referee 1
Referee 2
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, docx.
I declare that the information contained in this form is true and complete. I understand that if any statement is found to be false or misleading, or I have withheld relevant information, my expression of interest may not progress. I understand that inclusion on the Counsel List does not confer any entitlement to work. I confirm that, if included on the Counsel List, I will inform the CDPP of any changes to my circumstances that may affect my suitability to accept briefs from the CDPP.


The personal information collected in this application will be used for coordinating and managing the CDPP’s engagement with counsel. We may be unable to process your application if the personal information requested is not provided.

All personal information we collect is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act) and will be managed and stored in accordance with the Act. Our Privacy Policy contains more information about how we manage personal information, including how you can access or seek correction of your information or how to make a complaint about your privacy.

I acknowledge that personal information provided in the above responses may be collected, held, used and disclosed by the CDPP in accordance with the CDPP's Privacy Policy.