Processing FOI Requests

The CDPP will process all FOI requests within 30 days of receiving the request in accordance with section 15(5)(b) of the FOI Act unless:

  • the subject matter is more closely connected to another agency, which may result in transfer to the relevant or appropriate agency.
  • third party consultations are required, in which case an additional 30 days may be added; or
  • additional time is requested from the Australian Information Commissioner in cases of complex or voluminous requests; or
  • a decision has been made to impose charges.

Once the FOI request has been processed any available documents to be released will be forwarded to the applicant. If the CDPP decides not to release a document because of the operation of an exemption in the FOI Act, the CDPP will provide reasons for that decision. In accordance with section 11C of the FOI Act, the CDPP will publish all responses to FOI requests (other than personal or exempt information) on the CDPP website within 10 working days of providing the response to the applicant.